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A few websites that I am familiar with.  Hopefully if you have any questions they will help you in your life.  www.ccphilly.org has great audio resources and you can listen to any part of the Bible by sermon right now its awesome.  www.khouse.org is a wonderful site to see things that I can't put into words, like they may elaborate on the things going on in the middle east for example.  www.jdm.org is a great preacher and one of my favorites, I purchased the merry heart doeth good like a medicine series, they are truly a blessing to my soul.  www.crossmovementrecords are a great source for more Christian Hip-Hop or Rap music.  www.powerforliving.com is a great way to get into a the Bible for begining believers, it is also free. 

www.powerforliving.com www.jdm.org www.khouse.org www.crossmovementrecords.com www.myspace.com/witnessez4christ www.ccphilly.org



